Win9x Dial-Up Server


Installing and Configuring
Dial-Up Serve

1. Install Dial-Up Server from the Plus Pack or get the DUN 1.4 Upgrade from Microsoft.

If you use the DUN 1.4 upgrade you need to enable the dial-up server option.

  1. Open up the Control Panel / Add/Remove Programs icon
  2. Click on the Windows Setup tab
  3. Open up Communications
  4. Check Dial-Up Server
2. Open up My Computer
3. Open up the Dial-Up Networking icon
4. Select Connections / Dial-Up Server – This is a new addition since installing Dial-Up server
5. Select the Allow caller access option
6. Add in a password (this is probably a good idea)
7. The Comment is a description about your computer others will see if they can browse to your computer
8. Press Apply and the Status will change to Monitoring
9. When someone is dialing in, this will change to Answering.
After they are connected you will see their login name.
10. Note: Windows95 will only allow the Dial-Up Server to function if you have NetBEUI or IPX as at least one of its protocols assigned to the dial-up adapter.This will be used for the modem side of the connection.
The LAN side can have IP, IPX, or NetBEUI.
This is for both the server and client.



Allowing Access to Your Computer

1. Let them know your Computer Name
2. Share some local resources (Hard Drive, Printer, CD ROM)
3. Let others know about the Offer Name and its associated Password
4. See Configuring Win95 for WinChat on the Home Page for these details



Connecting to a Windows9x Dial-Up Server

1. Make sure you have at least the same protocol on the Client as you select on the Server.
2. Add another connection in Dial-Up Networking with the appropriate phone number.
3. You do not need to bring up a Terminal Window after dialing
4. You can use PPP, Windows95, .. as a Server Type
5. Make sure the Logon to network box is checked.
6. Be sure to check either NetBEUI or IPX for Allowed Network Protocols. This should be the same protocol you bound to the dial-up adapter
Server 1
7. To make the connection, click on the icon just like you do for a Dial-Up Internet connection
You do not need to type in a name or password.
8. You do not need to type in a name or password.



Connecting to Resources on the Dial-Up Server

1. Start the Explorer
2. Click on the Network Connection icon or select Tools / Map Network Drive
3. Type in the Drive letter you want to use. The first available one will come up by default.
4. Type in the Resource you want to connect to. They syntax is:
5. The Explorer should then show the new drive letter.
6. If the Dial-Up server is connected to a local LAN (e.g. at work), you can connect to resources there as well.You do it the same way as for resources on the Dial-Up Server itself, steps #1-4.
7. If you are attempting to connect to a Share Level Security offer on the LAN, you will be prompted for its password.
8. If you are attempting to connect to a User Level Security offer on the LAN, the Logon Name and Password you used when you started Window95 on the client will be passed to the User Level Security server.


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