How To Make Your Gaming Setup Look Better: Easy Steps To Take

Improving Your Gaming Setup
Improving Your Gaming Setup

Have you wondered how to make your gaming setup look better without breaking the bank? There are plenty of things to make your gaming setup better and easier to navigate. If you are going to spend a large portion of your life sitting at this gaming setup, you want to have something that you really like.

How To Make Your Gaming Setup Look BetterWhile people will have their own preferences and tastes, we have found a few different ways to make an amazing gaming setup for beginners in just a few short steps.

How To Make Your PC Setup Better

There are a few different options for making your PC setup better, but you want to start with the basics and then work your way up to complete control of your space.

Remember that anything you may not like about your space will actually reduce your options and can impact your gaming: you don’t want to be distracted by everything sitting around your setup.

If you want to have a clean gaming setup, start by following these steps.

Step 1: Get A Gaming Table You Love

To improve your gaming setup, you want to start with a gaming table that you love. This needs to be a table that will house your PC, mouse, keyboard, monitor, and anything else you may want. Your gaming table will be the biggest piece in your system, so it makes sense to start there and build out.

Think about what you need in your space. Do you have a lot of room for a desk that keeps everything out or do you need a desk with a keyboard that goes under it? Will you need spots for speakers or will the speakers on your monitor be enough? There is quite a bit that you need to think about.

Of course, you will also want to consider your gaming chair. It will need to be tall enough so that you can see the monitor clearly, but not too tall that you are hitting your legs on the bottom of the desk.

Step 2: Have A PC Build That You Like

Another thing you want to be solid before you can really love your PC space? Your actual PC build. Even if you have the coolest setup and the best things to make your gaming setup better, you will never really love your space if you don’t love your build.


Have A PC Build That You Like RGBTake most of your time to get that right first. You will be able to set a lot of the tone for your space with what your PC looks like. Will it have a lot of RGB lighting and bright colors? Will it be sleek and minimalist? That will help to dictate much of what happens as you go through the next few steps.

Step 3: Improve Your Cord Control

One of the quickest ways to make your desk look better is to simply focus on your cord control. If you can see every cord hanging down from your table or you have them running over your floor, it will just look sloppy.

There are plenty of options to keep your cords controlled. Some cases will do a lot of the work for you and other gaming tables will do it. You might be able to dangle them into the back and hide it all away or maybe you can’t (these are some things to consider when buying a gaming table).

You can also just zip tie everything and keep the cords taut so that you see minimal dangling. This will also help you to determine if something is going wrong with your setup. If you do this method, you just want to be sure that you aren’t pinching or pulling anything and causing damage to your system.

Step 4: Avoid Clutter

You might have a ton of video game merchandise that you want to display around your gaming system, but that can often look too cluttered and too messy. Start by eliminating some of those figurines, posters, and stuffed animals. You can put them into storage if you want to keep them, just get them out of your space.

It may be hard to do, but it will help you to see the potential of the space and understand what you need (and what you don’t). This will also clear up space to store your games, get more accessories, and even have a bigger build.

Of course, you can add stuff back in later. Just try not to be too precious about your setup. We all have things we love, but they can be distracting, make gaming harder, and prevent you from cleaning.

Step 5: Add Some Extras

That isn’t to say that you can’t have some extras in your setup. If you want to add some mood lighting, hang up a few posters, or maybe even put that figurine back on the shelf behind you, do it.Gaming Add Some Extras

Make sure that everything you put serves some sort of purpose.

A space that doesn’t have any personalized touches isn’t really a good gaming setup. Just remember that if you have too much stuff, you will have some problems with cooling and heating, so keep everything away from your build.

Step 6: Keep It Clean

Getting a clean setup and making your gaming setup look better shouldn’t be something that lasts for a day. Instead, you need to come up with a maintenance plan that will keep everything clean.

Maybe you want to designate Sunday morning as the day you clean everything or you want to focus on different aspects every day so that you don’t spend so much time cleaning.

For example, you can break it down into:

• Sunday: Vacuum around the gaming setup
• Monday: Clean the keyboard
• Tuesday: Dust behind the setup
• Wednesday: Clean monitor
• Thursday: Disinfect the mouse
• Friday: Clean gaming chair
• Saturday: Dust gaming table

Whatever you do, you need to focus on keeping it clean and organized or you will never truly love your gaming setup.

Step 7: Evaluate Regularly

Just because you’ve spent some time adjusting your gaming setup, that doesn’t mean your final result really has to be final. To truly love your gaming setup, you will need to evaluate it.

Maybe you play different games and you want to change it up for a different type. Maybe you’ve changed as a person. Maybe you have a new build and you are just ready for a new look. Whatever the reason is, you are not married to any particular idea.

Other Tips For Improving Your Gaming Setup

Not everyone is going to be able to have the gaming setup of their dreams, that just not practical. If you are going to be a gamer, you will need to spend most of your money on a good PC build, good games, and keeping everything running properly.

Gaming Desk Setup AdviceEven so, you want to focus on buying quality pieces for your gaming setup. Don’t buy cheap gear that you will just have to replace in a few months, that isn’t worth your time. Instead, focus on getting pieces that will stand the test of time.

You also want to think about how much space you will need.

Will do you any standing gaming? Will you be filming yourself? Or will you stay sitting most of the time? This will really dictate what you do with your setup.

Finally, don’t buy into the newest fads. There are new things coming out all the time and they aren’t always winners. Instead of buying something just because everyone else has it, think about whether or not you will get any use from it.

Overall, in order to get an awesome gaming setup, you will ened to think about your own wants and needs, and above all, your space. What will make you a better gamer? What will make you happy? It all starts with having a build and a gaming table that you love.


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