How to Dispose of Laptop Battery Safely – Common Methods

Methods of Disposing Lithium Batteries
Methods of Disposing Lithium Batteries

Learning how to dispose of laptop battery correctly can help you avoid legal consequences (e.g., fines), preserve the environment, and help preserve critical minerals such as cobalt, graphite, and lithium found in laptop lithium batteries.

Dispose of Laptop Battery Safely

If the battery is dead and no longer holds power, do not throw it in a waste bin with regular dirt. Instead, follow the methods in this write-up to safely dispose of the battery.

How Can You Dispose of Laptop Battery Safely

You can dispose of the laptop’s battery safely by finding a local laptop battery disposal near me. So, call them to come and pick up the batteries, or you take them to them. If you do not know local disposal centers, search on the internet. 

Here is how to dispose of lithium batteries near me:

– Find a Local Recycling Center

Call your local recycling and waste center and inform them you have laptop lithium-ion batteries you wish to dispose of. Depending on your location, you will find several recycling and waste centers, most of which have electronics sections. This lets you dispose of your waste batteries correctly. 

If you do not have their contacts, you can search for “recycling center near me” on a search engine like Google. When you find a suitable local recycling facility, contact them to find out if they have a battery recycling facility. 

Use the community-provided waste disposal website service if you live in a rural area. You should find helpful information on how to dispose of your old batteries. 

– Remove the Battery From the Laptop

Get your laptop and pop out the battery. In most laptops, the battery is at the bottom and is held by latches. So, release these latches to access the battery. In some cases, you’ll need to use a small screwdriver. 

It is worth pointing out that not all laptop batteries are serviceable or removable by the user. Most modern laptops come with slim, custom-designed batteries, which you cannot remove. Pay attention to such batteries by looking at the markings and safety precautions. Consulting the laptop manual, manufacturer, or certified electronics expert is crucial in such cases.

Remember that even if your laptop is dead, the procedure for disposing of the battery differs from that of disposing of the laptop. That is why you need to separate the two items. 

– Pack Your Battery

After finding a facility that recycles old laptop batteries, get your laptop from your laptop in readiness to transport it to the facility. But you must pack the battery correctly to avoid dangers like fires.

Typically, place your battery in a separate plastic bag. If you have several batteries, place each in its own plastic bag. The plastic bags cut contact between the batteries and other potentially flammable materials. Also, ensure they are in a cool, dry place until you take them to a disposal facility. 

Finding a Facility that Recycles Old Laptop Batteries

You may need to place electrical or non-conductive tape over the battery’s terminals. Covering the terminal prevents current leakages or transfers from occurring. Note that the terminal is part of the battery that hooks your computer to transfer power. 

Place the battery in a resealable plastic bag if you do not have a tape. This way, if the current leaks, it will not come into contact with anything else. If you don’t have a tape, place the battery into a resealable plastic bag. This way, if it leaks, it will not come into contact with anything else.

Contact the manufacturer for specific handling information if the battery is damaged. Remember, some used batteries have enough energy to start fires or use people. And if you are dealing with a swollen battery, find swollen battery disposal near me for better disposal. 

– Call the Facility for Clarification

By now, you know where to dispose of lithium batteries. Call them to determine their hours of operation alongside the required fees. In most cases, you will not be charged to recycle laptop rechargeable batteries because they are single-use batteries. However, it is crucial to double-check so that you are fully prepared. 

Also, determine whether the waste management facility offers a drop-off point for the batteries or if you will actually need to transport the battery to the facility. 

– Ship Your Battery to the Recycling Facility

Ship your dead battery depending on the information you received in the step above. If they allow mailing, pack your battery in the correct packages and mail it. If the facility does not accept mailing services, you take the battery to the facility yourself. 

Ship Your Battery to the Recycling Facility

Always take your old Li-ion battery to the hazardous waste collection facility as soon as possible to minimize the risk of fire and environmental effects. However, care should be taken when dealing with cracked or bulging batteries. Besides, not all recycling amenities accept batteries in these conditions. Always follow the instructions on-site for better safety. 

How to Dispose of Laptop Batteries With Call2Recycle

To dispose of laptop batteries with Call2Recycle, remove your battery from your laptop safely, pack them properly, and drop them off at thousands of convenient locations across the United States free of charge. This includes Home Depot, Lowe’s, and Staples.

Here is a typical procedure to use in case you want to use the call2recycle batteries recycling program. 

– Launch the Call2Recycle Website

Type Call2Recycle into your search engine and press Go/Enter. Typically, this brings two main options – Call2Recycle (US) and Call2Recycle (Canada). So, if you are in the US, select the United States option. Typically, the website gives detailed information about the recycling program.

Scroll down the page and select “Drop Off Your Batteries” or “Ship Your Batteries.” If you want to dispose of lithium batteries in Florida, using Call2Recycle seems the best place to begin.

– “Drop Off Your Batteries” Option 

To select the “Drop Off Your Batteries” option, click the “Find a location near you” link. This redirects you to a new web page where you must enter your City, State, or Postal code. Tick a checkbox close to what you need to dispose of. Since you will be disposing of batteries from a laptop, tick the rechargeable batteries box. 

Drop Off Your Batteries Option

But there is no harm in ticking other boxes except the E-bike box. Now, click the Search button. This helps you to find a drop-off location near you. So, you should get drop-off points near you in no time. 

You can also check the recycling laws by state to understand how to dispose of these batteries. 

– “Ship Your Batteries” Option 

This option is ideal for those needing to recycle their batteries once or on a recurring basis, regardless of your location and number of batteries. To use this option, click the “Visit our store” link for the available battery collection and recycling services. 

Under this option, you will get best-in-class recycling options that are compliant, convenient, and safe. Ideally, you’ll get a flexible and turnkey option for recycling different types of batteries by shipping from home or the office. They can coordinate freight shipments if you have a large volume of batteries.

This webpage offers innovative packaging to allow you to safely and responsibly recycle your rechargeable batteries. So, you can shop the packaging material based on the number of batteries. 

How to Dispose of Damaged, Defective, or Recalled Batteries

To dispose of defective, damaged, or recalled (DDR) lithium-ion batteries, you must purchase special storage and handling kits to help dispose of these hazardous substances. It is because these types of batteries can cause harm. Such batteries include puffy, swollen, or bloated batteries.

Do not put such batteries in the home or office trash as they could cause a fire in your home, office, garbage truck, or at the collection site. The best way to dispose of such batteries is to use recommended collection kits alongside custom solutions offered by different recycling programs such as Call2Recycle.

Here is how to dispose of DDR batteries:

Place your battery in a non-flammable material such as kitty litter or sand when you realize it is swollen or cracked. Go to the manufacturer’s website or the Consumer Product Safety Commission and check whether the product is recalled. If it is, follow the instructions given. 

Alternatively, place the battery in a clear plastic bag and take it to the municipal household hazardous waste (HHW) recycling amenity. Also, check the website for nearby recycling programs.

While taking DDR batteries to municipalities, ensure that you follow the internal procedure of handling HHW. If the HHW services are unavailable, place the batteries in a non-flammable substance in the short term.


1. Can You Recycle Laptop Batteries?

Yes. You can recycle your old laptop batteries rather than to throw them in a trash can. However, recycling is only done at certified battery recycling facilities that accept Li-ion batteries. Find these facilities when you have an old laptop battery for proper recycling. 

Li-ion batteries have a unique recycling method, unlike other batteries. Ideally, the potentially harmful flammable compounds in the batteries must be reduced to inert compounds. Li-ion batteries are recycled because they have a high energy density, meaning they store high amounts of energy in a small space. 

This design has made their demand rise exponentially. Thus, recycling them is the only way to sustain this demand. You can recycle laptop battery for cash by collecting and selling them to recyclers. 

2. What Is the Process for Recycling Laptop Batteries?

The process of recycling laptop batteries involves collecting the Li-ion batteries based on Federal and State laws. Here the batteries are isolated based on their physical condition. The batteries are transported to the recycling. This could be certified electronic recyclers like computer companies or any recycling location near you.

In addition, the batteries are fully discharged at the recycling amenity to remove all the stored energy. This stored energy may react with moisture in the environment and set ablaze. 

Lastly, the batteries are then frozen to inhibit any residual lithium from combusting during crushing. Some recyclers evaporate the lithium electrolyte to recover organic solvents to use to make new electronics. 


This write-up includes methods and procedures you need to dispose of your old or faulty Li-ion batteries. If you are looking for a means of disposing of such batteries, consider the following:

  • Studying the laws governing the disposal of batteries in your area or state.
  • Do not dispose of the Li-ion batteries in the typical house or office trash can, as they are a potential fire risk.
  • You can make some cash by selling old batteries to some waste recycling programs.
  • If you are uncertain where to dispose of your lithium batteries, consult the battery manufacturer on the disposal method.

This is in-depth information about lithium battery disposal techniques. Hopefully, you will be able to dispose of the batteries without issues. 


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