Outlook Autoresponse

Configuring Outlook
& Outlook Express
To AutoRespond to Incoming E-mail

This can be useful for automatically
replying when you are on vacation.

Since not all ISP’s allow you to configure an AutoResponse from their site,
the following instructions show how to configure

Outlook and Outlook Express


1. Start Outlook
2. Create a new mail message with the text you want to appear in your reply
3. Go to File / Save As
4. Select Outlook Template as the file type and give it a name that makes sense for you.
5. Close the message
6. Go to Tools / Rules Wizard
7. Click on the New button
8. Click on the Next button
9. Uncheck from people or distribution list
10. Check Where my name is in the To or CC box
11. Check any other criteria you want to use
12. Click on the Next button
13. Uncheck move it to the specified folder
14. Check reply using a specific template
15. In the lower box click on a specific template
16. Under Look In:, select User Templates in File System
17. Select the template you created earlier and click on the Open button
18. If there are no other rules or restrictions, you can click on the Next button.
19. Give the rule a name that makes sense for you. Click on the Finish button.
20. Configure Outlook to automatically send and receive automatically. Depending on the version of Outlook, the specific steps may vary for this.

Outlook Express

1. Create a text file with the message you want to automatically be sent.
2. Start Outlook Express
3. Go to Tools / Message Rules / Mail
4. In the section #1, scroll to the last entry and check For all messages
5. In the section #2, scroll to Reply with message
6. In section #3, click on the underlined message
7. Change the file type to Text
8. Browse to the location of the file you created earlier and click on the Open button
9. In section #4, enter in a descriptive name for your rule and click on the OK button
10. Configure Outlook Express to:
1. Automatically send and receive messages at startup
2. Check for new mail every interval you want.
11. Just leave Outlook Express running and everyone that sends you mail will get the reply you created.

A suggestion from Steve, to avoid having mail that is undeliverable continually looping,
you might want to create a rule that deletes these messages before autoreplying.

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