Slipstream Office2007 & Office2010 Service Packs


The following are instructions for how to Slipstream Service Packs into an Office2007 or Office2010 Installation
1. Make a directory on your computer and copy the entire contents of your Office CD to that directory. For example purposes, I’ll use C:\Office
2. Go to Microsoft’s web site and download the latest service pack available for your version of Office.
3. For simplicity, put this file in a directory that is going to be easy to get to from a command prompt like C:\SP2
4. After downloading the file, again for simplicity, rename it to something like sp.exe. For example, Service Pack 2 for Office2007 is called office2007sp2-kb953195-fullfile-en-us.exe. Rename it to SP.exe.  You will see why in the next steps.
5. Open up a command prompt. With WindowsXP ( Start / Run / CMD ). With Vista or Windows7 ( Start / CMD )
6. Change to the directory with the service pack file.
Following the above example – CD \SP2
7. Using the above example, type in SP /EXTRACT:C:\SP2
8. If you have Vista or Windows7, depending on your User Access Control Settings, click on the Yes button
9. Check to accept the Microsoft License and click on the Continue button
10. Files will then be uncompressed to C:\SP2 directory
11. Click on OK
12. Start the Windows Explorer and to go the C:\SP2 directory
13. Highlight all but the SP.EXE file
14. Right click and select Copy
15. Change to the C:\OFFICE\UPDATES directory
16. Paste them to that location
17. Now you can copy the entire contents of the Office directory to a new CD or DVD.
18. Any installs made will now automatically include that service pack


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